Ruby on Rails
... is GREAT. It is fun. It is the best way to write a web application. Get it
here now! Ruby is a pure object oriented programming language that uses meta-programming (use programs to write programs)
Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a web framework built on Ruby that uses a modified version of the Model-View-Controller design pattern which every good programmer must know and use for User-Interfaced based applications - like a website and a game.
It includes a web server but you can also run it on Apache and IIS with some changes. I think it is not necessary to do that until you want to deploy.
If you use Windows and want to try RoR:
- Download the Ruby for Windows Installer.
- When you have installed it, start the command prompt and type: gem install rails --include-dependencies
- To use MySQL with RoR, download the MySQL/Ruby driver instead of using the built in gem -install (assuming you already have MySQL server installed).
If you want a PHP framework that is based on the design of RoR check out
Code Igniter. But seriously, you should take a look of RoR.
Wikipedia article on RoR is a good introduction.
Check out
BaseCamp and
CampFire, which is done by
37 Signals - a pioneer in the concept of web 2.0 and AJAX.