Truth Seeking through Game Making
Friday, November 11, 2005
  Financing Hatchling Games Studio
You might be wondering, where Hatchlings Games Studios is getting their initial capital for doing business from. The straightforward answer is that we are applying for a student entrepreneurial grant. Not many Malaysian students realized that they are many government efforts that are promoting entrepreneurship among university students and fresh graduates. I have heard similar cases in other countries too. You just have to look – ask your lecturers, student union, do a Google search for student entrepreneurship in your country, etc.

As you probably know, I am attending Multimedia University (MMU), Cyberjaya, Malaysia. MMU’s mission is to be what Stanford University is to Silicon Valley for Cyberjaya. The university is new and has its own non-trivial problems. However, I think the government has taken a big step to provide for us an environment quite different from others in Malaysia. Some other colleges in Malaysia can boast about having more internationally recognized degrees or better location (e.g. Sunway University College is nearer to Sunway Pyramid), but I think MMU has the best environment and support for entrepreneurship (among other merits).

Within MMU, there is a commercialization unit known as CCTD. CCTD is short for the Center for Commercialization and Technopreneur Development. Technopreneur is a fancy word we use here in South East Asia that as you can guess, stands for Technology based Entrepreneurship. Since computer/video games qualify as a technology venture, Hatchlings Games Studio qualifies as a technopreneurial effort. (Note: Microsoft Word’s spellchecking database doesn’t have recognized the word Technopreneur yet.)

My first encounter with CCTD happens nearly three months ago. I was visiting my friend Exiang’s company, MiniMAX Studios which is situated at the MMU MSC Incubator located on campus. Among the services that MMU’s CCTD provide is a RM20, 000 startup grant. Besides that they also provide an office space that you share with other startups. In addition, CCTD provide legal, financial management and business development support.

I have met the Deputy Director of CCTD, Dr. Stephen Tam who is a technopreneur himself. He is very experienced and can spot a good company when he sees one. His advices have been very helpful so far – especially when he reminds me to think far and bootstrap. His staff, Simon who was an ex-banker is also extremely helpful. He helped me with doing some International business model patent checks.

There are many government grants for startups (and later business stages) all over the world. Being a tax-payer (either yourself or your parents), you should make full use of it. Use it to do what you want, to create value for your fellow citizens and mankind, and contribute back to your country.
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John Tan is an entrepreneur, programmer, games developer, game designer. He lives in Cyberjaya, Malaysia and operates a startup game company, Hatchlings Games. His current interest is on Web 2.0 Gaming.

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