New DirectX 9.0 Update
Microsoft did it again! They updated their latest DirectX 9.0 API. For fellow 3D developers out there, the SDK is now called Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (June 2005). Luckily all my old programs still compile. You just have update your $include and $bin paths. If you are using Microsoft VS.NET 2001-2003 then they will do it automatically for you. I am not sure if you have to uninstall previous version of the SDK, but that is what I did before installing this new update - just in case. You can download it from
MSDN DirectX Web.
Speaking of Microsoft, they are closing in on a deal with some Hollywood studio to make a movie based on their superhot game franchise, Halo. Normally game->movies by Hollywood sucks, but judging from Halo 1, Halo 2 and the three novels spawned out of the Halo universe - this one if it is ever produced, could be an exception. Speaking of game-cum-movies, where is Deus Ex: The Movie?