coLinux: Run full-blown Linux on Windows
Having made the decision to give up buying pirated software I, I have recently been using only Linux on my Laptop. See my previous post for more information. However I missed playing many games (downloadable indie games... since I do not buy pirated games anymore). Since the majority of Linux software are console-based (non-GUI), I thought of giving coLinux a try.
coLinux stands for co-operaive Linux. It runs the Linux operating system on a single windows thread. It supports many flavours of Linux - including my personal favourite -
Gentoo. I have been using the excellent Linux emulator
Cygwin for ages and thought of having a change. Also some programs do compile well in Cygwin - especially server programs. I needed an alternative - coLinux was IT.
When coLinux is running, it is like having a
real saparate Linux box running on Windows. So If you need to use it just give a try. If you need help installing it there are plenty of support (learn to use googgle) and help available. If you are new to Linux and need to know why you should use it, you should write in some comments.