Truth Seeking through Game Making
Monday, February 14, 2005
  Knowledge need for games development: Graphics Engine
The graphics engine is a major component of the game engine. It deals with everything you see on screen. The graphic engine handles 3D rendering (displaying the output), camera control, lighting & shadow, animation and special effects. It is usually the component that contributes the most to game review verdict – whether it will succeed or fail in the market. A good graphics engine cannot guarantee success but a bad one most certainly won’t.

Mathematics Knowledge
Graphics is one of the most mathematical intensive parts in the game engine, especially when dealing with 3D. This is because screen pixels which the engine manipulates are mathematical identities by nature.

Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, Quaternion
Calculus: Optimization for some algorithms

Programming Knowledge
Programming 3D graphics engine is mainly about designing the right algorithm. There are many 3D graphics algorithms that are published online and in books.

Other Knowledge
In addition to solid programming ability and competence in mathematics, understanding of hardware and assembly language can be very useful.
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John Tan is an entrepreneur, programmer, games developer, game designer. He lives in Cyberjaya, Malaysia and operates a startup game company, Hatchlings Games. His current interest is on Web 2.0 Gaming.

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